...and one month back.
It looks like we'll be cycling for IVF in July instead of June. I had my dates all messed up and didn't realized that the ER and ET for the June cycle falls dangerously close to the dates of our church camp. I haven't missed church camp since I was nine and we've already made a commitment to be there; so we had to make the choice to either speed up the process and cycle at the begining of May, or to slow it down and cycle at the end of July.
Why July and not May? Because we just aren't ready yet. If we cycle in May, I'd be starting meds in less than 3 weeks. That's just way to soon for us. We've been trying so hard to get ourselves healthy and our hearts in order, so pushing our cycle down to July was a fairly easy decision to make. It just gives us one more month to reach all of our goals before we start IVF.
We've sort of taken a step backwards in this process, but I still feel like we're moving forward. I've already lost four pounds and am on my way to being a much better incubator! Since the statistics for miscarriage and premature babies are higher with ART treatments than with natural pregnancies, it's really important for me to be as healthy as I possibly can before I have a blessing (or two) growing in my belly.
So far I've experienced a surprisingly smooth transition while switching my addiction of Frappachino's to Cycling, Kickboxing and Zumba classes. I love them, and I love how I feel afterwards (which is more than I can say for Frappachinos). We're also going as organic as we can afford with our food and cleaning products. Green is good. I've always wanted to make the change, and now I have the determination and a specific timeline to keep me seriously motivated.
So July it is-and with God's grace we'll be ready for it. I'll be 13 pounds lighter and the healthiest, happiest, most lean, green, organic baby growing machine you've ever seen!
-General George S. Patton