Monday, August 4, 2008

We Have A Plan

After meeting with the Dr. last Thursday, he found us to be good candidates for an IUI. We are very happy with him; he listened to all of our questions and concerns, answering in complete detail and thoroughly explaining everything for us. He seemed pretty surprised that all of the other Dr.'s we've seen have brushed us off, telling us we are "fine". He said after this long, it's about time we start doing something about this. So here's the plan:

CD 5-9: 50mg of Clomid
CD15: sonogram to check follicle size & trigger
CD16: IUI #1 (12 hours after trigger)
CD17: IUI #2 (36 hours after trigger)
CD19: Start progesterone supplements

Even though my body ovulates on it's own we are going to try out Clomid to see if we can't get some stronger results, or at least a few extra "targets" to hit. I have to admit, I'm pretty nervous about the Clomid. Up to this point the only thing we've done is chart ovulation and my period. Now we are going to introduce a fertility drug into the mix, and I guess it just seems so official! After that, he plans to do a sonogram to check the growth and see how mature my eggs are, and if they are ready he may give me a trigger shot to ensure a timed ovulation. Then the IUI, which will hopefully help bypass any "hostile cervical mucous" that I may have (there is a possibility that the reason we aren't getting pregnant is because my body treats sperm as a foreign anti-body and kills the sperm before it has a chance to reach my cervix. The IUI will allow the sperm to be placed safely inside my cervix, and away from any sperm-killing CM). Then finally, progesterone supplements. I'm pretty excited about these, because for the last year I have been experiencing horrible spotting before my periods. My progesterone levels have been checked pre-ovulation and said to be fine, but this progesterone should stop this ugly spotting once and for all.

So that's our plan. We are trying to keep in mind that while medical intervention in most situations can help achieve results, only GOD is in control and can give us the baby we have been praying for. For now we'll just have to give an IUI a shot, and hope for the best.

"100% of the shots you don't take don't go in."
-Wayne Gretzky


Anna said...

Well Chlomid worked for me. Did you read "our story" on my blog? I know you think no one understands but I do understand, I just wasn't making my stuggle public so I couldn't talk to you about it.

Anonymous said...


JenM said...

That sounds like a great plan. The progesterone supplements lengthened my LP, so I hope they help with your spotting problem. When you are ready, it's a big step to take, but one that will feel productive.

WantWait&Pray said...

Congrats! I'm so happy for you! When do you anticipate this cycle starting? GOOD LUCK! Keep me posted!

Stacy said...

Doesn't it feel great to have a plan? It is almost like a weight being lifted from your shoulders. Good luck to you. Hopefully this cycle will = BFP's for both of us!

Stephanie said...

God loves a plan!
You know I'm praying for you every night. So thankful that you are encouraged.